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Ready-Made, Online Courses

Don't have time to book live lessons with a tutor?

I have a solution for you!

As a languages tutor and passionate about teaching and learning other languages, I realised there was a gap in my services.


There were some students that were keen on learning Spanish or English but that were finding it difficult to schedule in lessons with a tutor.


So, for this reason I signed up with to create ready-made online courses that you can complete on your own time, with the option of contacting me for more exercises or even to book short, 20 minute sessions to ground the learning from each course.


This will be a work in progress, as there is a lot of information to learn in each language I offer!


Keep an eye out for new courses coming out on a regular basis.


Contact me for more information, feedback and requests for particular topics you'd like to learn online, at your own pace!

Ready-made courses: Welcome

Are you ready to start learning with Karin?

¿Estas listo para aprender Inglés?


¡Llena este formulario con tus datos y me pondré en contacto para comenzar tus lecciones!




Are you ready to start learning Spanish?


Do you need support with your psychology, counselling and psychotherapy studies?



Then you're in the right place!

Fill out this form and let me know what type of tutoring you need and I will get in touch to book a first lesson!

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Thanks for submitting!

Ready-made courses: Contact
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